Tag Archives: Etlan

NaNo snippet

Hard at work on the site stuff now. Haven’t been to the doctor yet, but figured I’d share a snippet from my NaNo project. Enjoy 🙂

She watched him go, sunlight bathing his dark skin and turning his black hair blue wherever it touched, then made her way to the center of the clearing, where a small spring bubbled up from the earth, surrounded by wildflowers. Dropping to her knees next to it, she submerged her hands in the cold water, sucking in a breath as the ice-cold water met her hot skin. Shifting her body back so she was leaned over her knees in a low bow, she let her head come to rest on the ground and focused on her breathing. With every exhale, she could feel the anger and frustration flow from her body, down through her hands and into the water.

She lost track of time as she stayed in that position, grounding all of the negative energy she had let build up too far, but eventually, she became aware that the water was now warm, and she was no longer alone by the spring. Keeping her hands in the water, she turned her head so it was no longer her forehead, but her cheek, resting on the ground. 

Alex had re-entered the clearing and was standing guard over her prostrate form, eyes constantly skimming the skies and treeline.

On a whim, she reached for her lanai and sank her consciousness into the earth. The flowers around her lit up in her mind and the wind brushing through the treetops tickled against her skin. Underneath it all, she felt him.

New year, Old me.

It’s the New Year, so of course, everyone is making resolutions for the year. Some people are being smart about it, keeping it to things that are actually within reach (looking at you, Nikki ), and to you guys, I tip my hat. The rest of ya’ll are just crazy, and I wish you the best of luck.

Me? My only promise is to still be me. I know better than to try and make any sudden changes, and honestly, there’s not that much I want to change about myself. I’m not perfect, but I am me. I am the product of my life, and I am okay with that.

Now, I’m not saying there won’t be changes (in general), but the changes coming are about me finally getting off of my butt and getting serious about my chosen profession. That means more blog posts (dang it), more writing in general, and less Facebook games when I should be writing (really not liking that one…).

I’ve already gotten started on the more blog posts. I have two more posts about World Building in my queue to get finished, and I have another about Creative License vs. Laziness waiting to be written. There’s life working at a gas station (more exciting than you’d think, believe it or not), and life being a nanny of two kids who are characters all on their own.

For the more writing part, I’ve started work on “Storm Warning” again, and book two in my zombies series, “Blood Runs Black” went live on New Years Day. I’ve also joined the monthly writing challenge over at WritingChallenge.org , along with Nikki over at thebibliofeels. It’s only day 3, but we’re doing well so far. We just have to keep at each other, and that’s not exactly a problem for us.

The Facebook games…ugh. That is the tough one. I really only play one, but then I spend the rest of my time playing The Sims (4, of course) or DC Legends, and those…those are time killers like no other. In fact, I’m pretty sure Time sees those coming and just starts begging for mercy. It never gets any, but at least it tries. The other problem is that when I’m not playing those games…I’m playing Playstation. I don’t have the fancypants PS4, but PS3 has enough games to keep me occupied, and my roommate just added another one (more on that later).

So yeah. No new years resolutions, but a whole crap load on my plate anyway. Ah well. Fun times, amiright?

[ETLAN: Book 1 – Storm Warning] Update and Prologue

The update is mainly that the individual books are finally getting names – which is frankly ridiculous, since the sequel/spin-off book series already has names for all the books involved. I even have names for potential ‘When Love Dies’ sequels. My brain is weird, that’s all I can think.

In the meantime, here is the prologue for Etlan – Book 1: Storm Warning.

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Days 29, 30 & 31: Ugh, Birthday, and ugh again.

Only about a week late, but the page-a-day pledge is over, and I didn’t get as much done as I had hoped. To be fair though, most of the work was editing anyway, and it’s kinda hard to measure that progress.

On Tuesday, I took the day off homework and did some writing in between birthday phone calls/messages. I’m regretting that now, since I’m having to rush up and finish my paper of Psych before tomorrow night, but oh well. Hindsight 20/20 and all that. I did get some ideas sorted out for Etlan, at least.

The 31st was taken up with having to get grocery shopping out of the way, and other errands. I wrote about 500+ words, but it was all homework. 

All in all, I think I failed the pledge, but at least I can say I tried. I think I might try doing a pledge every other week instead of a month long deal. It might be easier to manage around homework and work. We’ll see. Right now, I’m just trying to figure out what to share for Sharing Saturday…

Day 27 & 28: Some work, and homework.

Had to focus on homework instead of writing today, but yesterday I did get some work done:

“Now mama, you know there’s no such thing as rest for the wicked.” Kerry chided. She slid closer to her mother, resting her head on Emma’s shoulder.

“And they don’t get much more wicked than you, do they, shilé?” Emma’s arms came up to wrap around Kerry.


Sharing Saturday: Holy crap, Batman!

A very special Sharing Saturday! I’ve always been lucky with my friends, but I hit one of the jackpots here. Dave decided to draw one of my characters for me. It’s not finished, but he gave me permission to share the preliminary sketch with you all, so…

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce Kerry:

I got a little too excited and did a little coloring with Paintshop:

(The gold is her glau shining around the colored contacts she wears.)

Nowhere near as amazing as it’s going to be when Dave is finished with it, but it was fun and I am excited to see where it goes from here.

On a side note, if you guys need some artwork done, go check him out! He’s still new to wordpress (I bullied him into getting a blog just last night), but he’s good!

Day 20 & 21: lots of planning~

Sorry, was busy yesterday and today, so didn’t get much done, writing wise, but have been brainstorming a lot, and have two new story ideas to work with. Will keep you guys posted on those. One of them will most likely be co-authored, so that should be fun.

No promises on anything being posted tomorrow. It’s back to school for the kiddos and myself.

Sharing Saturday

I don’t remember if I posted for last week, so you’re getting a slightly longer snippet this time. 

            “Remember how energy never dies? Well, all living creatures give off energy, and there’s always death. Every second, someone or something dies, and when it dies, the energy has to go somewhere.

            “What does that have to do with the planet being able to feel?”

             “Ashes to ash, dust to dust.” Kerry said quietly. “We were born from the Earth; it only makes sense that we return to it, does it not?”

             “I guess so, but that still doesn’t explain why the planet feels stuff.”

            Kerry pulled her legs up so she could rest her chin on her knees. “It’s an old, old rock.” She reminded Heather. “The best guess so far puts the age at almost five billion years old. It didn’t take nearly that long for the creatures on the planet to learn to actually think, you know.” 

Day 19: late, but not entirely my fault

The wordpress app wasn’t loading on my computer last night, so I didn’t get around to posting my progress. So yes, it’s a little late, which means you guys will be getting three posts today. Aren’t you just so excited? 

600+ words (was hoping for more, but at least progress was made.)

“I called you over because there is a message to send, Luhandirya Tanith Rhaido.” Emma broke in as Tanith tried elbowing Taite back into place. “But if you insist on acting like a child, you can always stay behind. I’m sure the twins would love for you to join them in their lessons.”

Day 18: in the negatives now…

Does it count as progress if you delete half the chapter? Close to a thousand words, and all gone. Well, postponed, really. I’ll probably end up adding it in somewhere else.

Not sure of word count, since I deleted most of it, but pretty happy with the work done today.

“Fear.” Farida closed her eyes and shuddered. “Pain. Red hair. Pain. Dark. Fear. Pain. White skin, red blood, and pain.” She opened her eyes again. “Great Mother save us, Aunt Seri, what have you done?”

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